Prep Time: None!
Cook Time: 25 mins
To prepare
1. Meatballs
2. Cooking Oil
3. Butter
4. Garlic (Chopped)
5. Blackpepper Powder
6. Thick Soy Sauce
7. Fresh Milk
8. Drinking Water
9. Conflour
10. Salt
11. Fries
12. Blackpepper Sauce
13. Strawberry Jam
1. Defrost the meatballs
2. Add the meatballs and cook turning continuously until brown on each side and cooked through. Transfer to a plate and cover with foil.
3. In another skillet, add 4 tablespoon butter and saute garlic and blackpepper powder until fragrant.
4. Slowly stir in thick soy sauce, a little fresh milk and water.
5. Mix conflour with a little water and pur into the skillet to thicken the sauce
6. Season with enough salt
7. Meanwhile deep fry the fries
8. Serve the meatballs with fries, blackpepper sauce and strawberry jam