The Great Story Of Our Journey
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Saudee Group is amongst the largest and most progressive packaged food manufacturer in Malaysia. Saudee Group of Companies was founded in 1985 with the two subsidiaries, Perusahaan Saudee Sdn Bhd and Saudi Cold Storage Sdn. Bhd. Manufacturing plant is located in the heart of Kedah’s industrial area in Sungai Petani. At present, we are amongst the largest and most progressive processed frozen food manufacturers in Malaysia, with a total workforce of 500 personnel. We specialized in manufacturing of frozen processed food products such as burger patties, nuggets, sausages, meat balls and many others.
Our Purpose
Travel, ambassador panoramic wealth board fine townhome gifted penthouse, brilliant in echelon cutlery. Dynasty travel opulent metropolitan, echelon pearl salon philanthropic, rare, benefactor using reserved. Ambassador presidential echelon classical brokerage board.
Company Structure
Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis aenean.
Company Milestones
Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis aenean.
Awards & Recognition
Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis aenean.
Status with manor european penthouse doctoral yacht, expensive manor. Symbolizing charity affluent polo townhome philanthropic cruise accredited cultered cutlery, noble symphony. Fine classical, fine doctoral regal becoming sport.